The digital advertising industry in the UK is thriving, and we aim to be a prominent player in this field. One area that stands out is Programmatic Digital Out of Home (DOOH) advertising, which is currently creating a lot of excitement. 

This article will explore the latest trends and explain why UK brands should closely monitor this space.


So, what exactly is it, and why is it causing such a stir?

The Basics of DOOH: 

Digital Out of Home (DOOH) advertising is a highly effective way to reach a large audience. This type of advertising involves digital ads displayed in public spaces, such as dynamic billboards in city centres, digital displays in train stations, or screens in shopping centres. With DOOH advertising, businesses can capture the attention of potential customers and promote their products or services in a visually engaging and impactful way.

Enter 'Programmatic': 

Now, combine this with the concept of 'programmatic' advertising -The automation of ad space transactions through data and algorithms guarantees that ads are delivered to the appropriate audience at the optimal moment.

Why It's Revolutionary: 

With programmatic DOOH, brands can now bring the precision of online advertising to the real world. They can target specific demographics and times of day and even respond to real-world triggers such as weather changes. It's a powerful tool changing how we think about advertising.


The UK Leads the Charge:

A Notable Uptick in Investment: 

UK brands are not just dipping their toes but diving headfirst into programmatic DOOH. There's an anticipated increase in spend by a whopping 31% over the next year and a half. For UK businesses, this signals a shift in where advertising pounds flow.

The Data Behind the Trend: 

This isn't just a hunch. VIOOH surveyed advertisers and agencies across several countries. The UK stood out, reflecting a keen interest in harnessing the potential of programmatic DOOH.

Why We Are Excited: 

Programmatic DOOH provides precise targeting and trigger-based buying, ideal for brand-building and direct-response ads. We at The Ark Marketing & Media embrace this game-changing technology.


Zooming In on the UK Market:

Recent campaigns reveal the UK's enthusiasm: 

31% of recent campaigns by UK advertisers incorporated prDOOH. This is expected to jump to 39% soon.

Where's the money coming from? 

A survey shows that a significant number of UK advertisers are reallocating their budgets. 33% are shifting from other digital platforms, 24% are moving away from traditional channels, and 15% are creating new budgets entirely for prDOOH.

Key sectors are leading the way: 

In the UK, the retail, FMCG, and healthcare industries are effectively engaging their audiences by leveraging technology such as location-based targeting, audience segmentation, and dynamic creatives. By employing these strategies, they are able to reach their target customers more efficiently and deliver more personalized marketing messages.

Innovation is the name of the game: 

A recent UK survey found that 81% of respondents believe that prDOOH is at the forefront of advertising innovation. This clearly indicates the growing importance of digital out-of-home advertising and its potential to revolutionise the industry. It's no surprise that more and more businesses are turning to prDOOH to reach their target audience and stand out in a crowded marketplace. With its ability to deliver targeted, dynamic content that engages and entertains, prDOOH is poised to become an essential part of any successful advertising strategy.

The Ark Marketing & Media's stance? 

Our belief in the power of programmatic digital out-of-home (prDOOH) remains steadfast and unwavering. This method's effectiveness has been proven repeatedly, delivering tangible results for brands across the UK. There is no doubt that prDOOH is here to stay, and we are excited to see how it will continue to evolve and revolutionise the advertising industry.


Wrapping Up:

The UK advertising industry is undergoing notable transformation, with programmatic DOOH paving the way. Brands looking to make a lasting impression and connect with their target audience in unconventional ways should take note of this space. As always, The Ark Marketing & Media provides guidance, assistance, and amplification to bolster your brand's presence in this dynamic arena.

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